Monday, September 21, 2009

Tools of York

Tools, simply put, the biggest dicks ive seen in York. Im talking about people who are lazy, inconsiderate pricks that tend to care more about themselves and whine for the simplest things.

Let me put this up as an example, i was standing in line at the book store, my oversized number of books in tow, when i come across a pair of guys admiring the "york goods".
The conversation i heard follows:
Dude 1: Man i so want a flask...(points to the York 50th Metal Flask)
Dude 2: A flask man?
Dude 1: Yeah, i can buy it now, my parents are paying for it, shows up as York U anyway.
(a little later down the line)
Dude 1: (holds up a biology course book and kit) A flask would be far more useful then this stuff

I had a"wtf" moment at that point, seriously, its your parents money for your books and education, and you want to spend it on a useless piece of memorabilia that would either be lost or stolen, if not cast aside when a better appears. I swear, sometimes people can be so selfish; i know my folks pay for my books ,and if possible, i try to buy used ones. Even when i sell em, i give all the money to my folks. But thats just me, there is still one another thing that bugged me at york.

I was sitting outside, nomming (eating) my lunch when i watch a girl walking behind a guy (Her BF probably) and saying
"Wait up, i got like 50 pounds here" she whines, pointing to a simple laptop bag she was carrying. In all honesty, i wish i stood up and said "oh that must be heavy, I'm carrying twice as much" Literally I'm carrying a "hiking backpack" with a laptop, cables, mouse, books, lunch and a secondary plastic bag with an assortment of recently bought books as well.

People...people make me sick sometimes, not just here, but all over the place. Its a shame really, but that's life.

1 comment:

  1. Dude...maybe this chick was for one health-related reason or another not capable of lifting 50 pounds easily. I have a slightly-dislocated patella (knee cap) and that makes me have trouble carrying stuff and walking fast at the same time. Never judge people: not unless you know the whole story.

    PS: I am not sure how I found this blog--but it's cracking me up. You're such a devoted geek...having a Pokemon critter comment on your blog entries...and writing fanfic about miniature figurines. I'm not saying this to be mean-spirited or anything...but is this a joke, or is it deadpan-serious? I have a feeling it's the latter. But golly...that's just...unintentionally funny, I guess. ///shrugs///
