Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Photoshop First Time

Well, i never thought id be able to do it, but i did. I made my first photoshop peice a few days ago and was quite impressed with the results. As you can see, there never were dragons with a P-51D in any photographs, but with a bit of time and some tweaking about, i came out with this.

The idea was to work on an old story idea i did many years ago. Germany had uncovered a clutch of 8 dragon eggs, and the Nazi Generals, seeing the end was near, decided to hatch them. This was conducted in secret, deep in the mountains of Northern Germany. Unfortunately, as the hatching occurred, the dragons grew violent and began to destroy everything.

Anyway, the end result is 8 dragons burning Berlin, 4 splitting to attack the Russians when they arrive, and 4 attacking the US/British forces. Eventually, the US is forced to retreat to the shores of Normandy and evacuate, being able to protect themselves with the solid power of their battleship guns (apparently, the huge shells are the only thing that can knock a dragon dead.)

I wont get into too much detail on the "real" part of the story, but this scene is meant to show a photo of the final days the Allies were able to hold their own against these mythical beasts.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Tools of York

Tools, simply put, the biggest dicks ive seen in York. Im talking about people who are lazy, inconsiderate pricks that tend to care more about themselves and whine for the simplest things.

Let me put this up as an example, i was standing in line at the book store, my oversized number of books in tow, when i come across a pair of guys admiring the "york goods".
The conversation i heard follows:
Dude 1: Man i so want a flask...(points to the York 50th Metal Flask)
Dude 2: A flask man?
Dude 1: Yeah, i can buy it now, my parents are paying for it, shows up as York U anyway.
(a little later down the line)
Dude 1: (holds up a biology course book and kit) A flask would be far more useful then this stuff

I had a"wtf" moment at that point, seriously, its your parents money for your books and education, and you want to spend it on a useless piece of memorabilia that would either be lost or stolen, if not cast aside when a better appears. I swear, sometimes people can be so selfish; i know my folks pay for my books ,and if possible, i try to buy used ones. Even when i sell em, i give all the money to my folks. But thats just me, there is still one another thing that bugged me at york.

I was sitting outside, nomming (eating) my lunch when i watch a girl walking behind a guy (Her BF probably) and saying
"Wait up, i got like 50 pounds here" she whines, pointing to a simple laptop bag she was carrying. In all honesty, i wish i stood up and said "oh that must be heavy, I'm carrying twice as much" Literally I'm carrying a "hiking backpack" with a laptop, cables, mouse, books, lunch and a secondary plastic bag with an assortment of recently bought books as well.

People...people make me sick sometimes, not just here, but all over the place. Its a shame really, but that's life.

Friday, September 18, 2009

The Life of a Minature - Part 2: Trial by dice rolls pt.1

The place was Games Workshop, the time, mid afternoon. Everdun and his team found themselves surrounded by darkness. They had been piled into a foam carrying case, and for the last half-hour they have been hidden to the world. There was a thud, the everything seem to stop, a faint noise echoded from behind the darkness and then...the case opened.


Everdun was standing in a rather small field, along the either side were vast forest that stretch all along the flanks, and in the center lay an old imperial complex; long since abandoned by its users. The Lt sighed a bit as he rubbed the back of his head, the morning sun had risen considerably and now it was getting close to noon. He looked around, slowly tanks of his army were trudding through the high grass behind him, a mix of three battle tanks and two mechanized units along with a command team. His own platoon made up the last unit, and unfortunately, they were walking.

Everduns Unit was waiting behind him, their weapons still inside the transports and slowly being off loaded
"This is a nice place" Miko says as she sits atop a rock "why do we have to be here?"
"Because we have a mission here" Elisia replied as she fixed her medical kit, making sure she had enough supplies for the casualties that may mount
"That's not right...what mission, i dont know what mission!" Miko replies with a whiny voice
No one responded, the fact was, no one knew the mission yet. Everdun sighed as he heard footfalls approch, his two Snipers approched. Frost was decked in a long cloak, his rifle an older Long Las patter M36 Lasgun with what looked like a more advanced scope than normal. Tanya on the other had was holding a M4 Scout Sniper, a newer model that was mostly issued to Space Marine Scout Squads, how she claimed it was still beyond him.
"Sir, we have been ordered to go out on patrol for the Company Commander, he also request that you go and see him" Frost said as he fixed his cloak, Tanya smirked a bit "seems we might be getting some action."

As the Lt returns to the main unit, he finds the Company Commander speaking with the tank and infantry commanders, he turns to Everdun as he approaches.
"Ah, Lt. Everdun, just the man we need, come here" the commander said, Everdun surprisingly knew the man even though he never seen him. Commander Major Elionem, a man roughly in his late 50's, he had pure white hair, and a white mustache, he looked like a gentle fellow, but his combat experience was quite impressive. Everdun smirked as he saluted as the commander returned it.
"Alright, listen up, it seems we have been given by the Emperor this abandoned world, i did a few checks and found there are no imperial citizens or military units here. Aparantly this planet was abandonded when Hive Fleet Behemoth made its move, the citizens and military pressence left this planet entirely, a lot of ruins now. Everdun, we are responsable for scouting out this zone region, other expedition forces have landed and already are scouting, but we have reports that the Inquisition may be near by."
"Inquisition?" Everdun muttered in reply "what are they doing here?"
Elionem shrugged "I'm just as lost as you are, but i have a few hunches, they probably detected our Xeno allies"
"You mean the Vulpines?"
"Yes.. and i don't think they are aware they are out allies"
Everdun sighed "and two of my Vulpine scouts just went out, great... Can we locate their landing?"
The Commander shakes his head
"Our Recon birds cant pinpoint them, and with a Black ship up there, makes things harder"
The commander looked at Everdun "get your team ready, for all we know, your scouts may be in trouble."

Suddenly Corporal Unil rushed up, his Vox caster squawking "Sir! bad news, Tanya and Frost are pinned down, Sisters found em!"
"Then its already begun" Elionem said "get to your units, mount and move out!" he barked as he grabbed his helment and weapons "We have a team to rescue!"


Frost ducked down behind the wall of the bunker's roof. He cursed, he had taken down 2 sisters before they saw and opened fire. At first he thought they were an expedition unit, but when they started singing that awful tune and came with their white and blue power armor, it made him edgy. What was worse, they began advancing upon his position. Tanya, who was already there, told they looked like Inquisiton and were not fond of Xenos
"So you mean to tell me were boned?"
Tanya nodded as a Bolter round ricocheted off the wall near her, she cursed and returned fire.
"Damn, we cant do this, were snipers, not fire fighters!"
Frost breathed cold as he peeked over, his eyes widen as he sees a group of them heading towards on jetpacks.
"Shit, we go-"
His voice was cut short as another landed directly on them, the two stopped for a second to watch the female stand up from her landing. Her "winged" jetpack smoking as a long cloak flirred around her white armor.
"By order of the Inquisition!" she barked aiming her Inferno pistol "you shall be destroyed"


Everdun and his team beagn thier long march towards the compelx. Behind them, Leman Russ tanks and Chimera's began rushing into the thick of the enemy, already Sister Rhinos could be seen, their blue paint reflecting off the sun as they began their movement towards the Imperail Guard Mavericks.
"So its begun" Everdun thinks as his team gathers up behind him. Hugges, who ususally carried a heavy weapon, was now holding a Grenade Launcher, and Caiden, the man with the knives, was carrying a Flamer. Everdun knew Caiden liked close combat, he became a sniper for his insticts and sense of awareness. He also was a good shot, and though he was now carrying a weapon of a complete opposite, he seemed to smirk about it. Everyone else was geared with M36 Hellguns, a boosted variant of the Las gun, a Hellgun packed a bigger punch and was equipped with a Targeting system, making them an ideal tool.
"Seems our boys got right into it" Elisia said
"Yeah, but we still have our job, rescue our scouts"
Everdun knew his squad was undermanned, but they would make due, they had to. He look down towards the complex, and already he could see his two scouts engaging a sister with a jet pack as more began to drop in.
"Shit, double time!" he barks as his team begins to move.


Tanya never knew Frost was good with a blade, but as soon as the Cannoness appeared, he was there with a rather large blade, a Vulpine Blade, a 15' long blade of pure silver and steel. It shimmered as the Blessed weapon of the Cannoness made contact with it.
"Vile...Xeno, your time will soon end!" the Cannoness barked as Frost continued to duck and parry.

Tanya on the other hand, was enjoying her fight. She slung her sniper and drew not one, but two blades, a power sword she wore on her back, and her own Vulpine Dagger, a smaller 8' blade made of the same substance. She immeadtly began attacking the other sisters, Seraphim, that had jumped in to help their leader, already she had killed one with a close range sniper shot, and the rest were trying to bat her with pistols. The vulpine growled, she was far quicker than the humans and was able to slash two other sisters in the neck and torso before she stumbled back from a near direct hit of the pistol. Now she was back to back with Frost who had also been pushed away.
"I am Cannoness Commander Isobel Deschain, and by the will of the emperor shall go forth and destroy all Xeno scum that cross the Imperium." She rose her blade "With the Order of the Blessed Damnsel and the word of the Emperor, we shall smite you" she raises her blade and with a quick slash, breaks through Frost's blade. The two Vulpines are pushed to the side, now completely surrounded, Tanya tries to get up with Frost, yet the wolf wouldnt move, the blade had slashed Frosts left arm pretty badly, and a large gouge was present from under his combat dress. He looked at Tanya from behind his mask " done"
Tanya shook her head as a Seraphim sister grabbed her, instantly she elbowed her in the face before she took off down the side of the bunker. Isobel had a stern look on her face, she readied her blade as she stepped forward
"Cannoness, what are your orders?" A serpahim asked, stepping forward, she wore simialr armor to her compaions, but had a helmet piece that covered her gaze. In one hand she held a power sword, the other a specially crafted bolt pistol.
"I shall pursue that one, you take this one to our lines, we must question it, and then destroy it along with these traitors" she said with a scowl "to see warriors of the emperor betray him...its always a hardening sight, dont you think Nevel" she sighed abit. Sister Superior Nevel Fatima was the Serpahim commander, she was unphased by her Cannoness words as she nodded "I shall bring him then" she muttered ushering the two reaming survivors of her squad with her to carry the wretched Xeno. Isobel nodded as gun fire and explosions still erupted around her, she nearly forgot a battle was still going on, without a second glance at her Serpahim squad, she ignited her pack, spread her wings and flew after the Xeno.


"Shit shit shit!" Tanya said skidding sideways down the bunkers wall. It had a low elevation that made it perfect for sliding, problem was, she didn't realize just how tall it was build. As soon as she neared the ground, she jumped, tumbling mid air and landing. Sadly her balance was off and she hit hard, yelping as she sprained her ankle in the tumble. She growled as she held it, the section now swelling purple, it probably was broken now. Looking up she could see the Cannoness begining her decent behind her, but within a second Las fire erupted around her, causing the armor woman to jig to the left and move away from Tanya.
"C'mon, get going!" came the call of the squad Sargent, Tanya turned to see a Mechanized unit disembarking a Chimera as it popped smoke to cover its units. The troopers inside opened fire with their Hellguns at half range, ranking the side of the bunker and hitting the Cannoness's shimmering white armor.
"Sergant Bradock, 2nd Mechanized "Road Warriors", you alright?" he says pulling Tanya back slightly as his men kept the fire one, eventually opening up with Grenade Launcher and Flamer, yet not stopping the Cannoness in her fall.
"Yeah...I'm fine..." Tanya said as Sergant pulled one of his men, a medic back "Treat her quickly!" he barks as he stands up and fires his Hellpistol, only to have one of his troopers become incinerated by the Cannoness Inferno Pistol.
"Shit, get in there!" he barked as his men piled at the Cannoness, lunging with combat knives, bayonets, and even their rifle butts. The Sargent padded the Medic's shoulder as he wound a makeshift restraint on the ankle to keep it from moving
"Your from Everdun's Unit?" Bardock asked, Tanya nooded as the Sargent pointed to the woods "there over that way, better get going, we will hold her off as long as we can" he said as he flicked on his power weapon.
"T-thank you" Tanya said standing slowly, she could walk, but not at full speed. The Sergant nodded as now the Chimera pulled back.
"Our Chimera will cover you, get going!" he shouts as he joins his men in a losing battle against the Cannoness. Tanya watched for a moment, seeing the men get torn apart by that powerful blessed weapon before she fled into the woods.

Meanwhile, Everdun and his unit continued to move around the forest, their mission was simple; flank the enemy, problem was, they were not sure which way they were going. Everdun's map wasn't helping, and without Tanya, it made things harder. He cursed as his men held up behind him.
"Hey...weres Taxi?" Elisia suddenly asked as she looked back "he was suppose to be behind me"
"Maybe you scared him off" Cadien muttered as Elisia hit him across the head with her bag "Oh shut it, I'm not that evil!"
"Quite both of you!" Everdun barked as the two stepped away. Reed soon walked over "S-sir?" he asks as he removes his re-breather "I think we should try to find the clearing between us and the feild, might help get our bearings."
Everdun nodded, despite his looks and rank, Reed was a good kid, yet he tended to mess up more often then not, but his skills for planning were exceptional, as long as he wasn't under stress. "Roger, okay, Reed, you, Hugges, and Miko make your way to the break, Caiden, Elisia, Unil, with me, we'll try finding Taxi, he might have gotten lost along the way, but we must assume he still is aware of our mission." Everyone nodded as the group began to move.


"Dont mind me" Taxi muttered as he slinkered past a Battle squad of sisters. He had somehow managed to get behind the enemy lines, with all the commotion up front, it wasn't that hard to make his way around. He wasnt sure which way he was going until he bumped into that Space Marien in the woods. Seems him and his squad was fighting some Chaos beasts on their zone, and he was kind enough to give Taxi directions. Sadly, they were the directions to the opponets board edge, now here he was, hiding behind crates.
"Geeze, this is not my day" he mutters, his Hellgun was holstered and his knife hidden, he didnt wear a helmet, only his flatten cap and a grin. Fortunately, his luck was about to change. As he peered over the crates, he spot an Exorcist, a Sisters of Battle long range artillery tank. It fired missile that could dent any armor with ease. He grinned, he had to have it.

Sana Verner sighed, she had done several diagnostics on her tank, but for some reason, she could never launch more than 2 missiles. Something was seriously wrong with the launcher. Though many other servitors would find it other wise, she knew the launcher could be capable of firing 6 shots at once. She sighed and ran another check, still nothing. She slammed her fist
"By Throne, what is this!" she exclaims as she hits the console again, still the launcher recorded only 2 missiles ready. She growled a bit under her breath and began to climb out the top hatch.

As she entered the dusk outside she exhaled a long sigh, she was stuck inside the tank for several hours and when it started failing to fire more than two missiles, she brought it back, somewhat against her Cannoness's orders, she just had to look into it. Now, without much in the way of progress she sat there, she would surly be disciplined once this battle was done.
Suddenly she caught a glimps of dark metal in the corner of her eye, not like a sister to sneak around, she slowly reached for her las pistol on her belt and turned to the rear of the tank. As soon as she made a full turn toward the launcher, she drew her gun, but saw no one...she sighed a bit.
"Easy girl...those are very deadly missiles" came a voice from infront, she whipped around to face a Storm trooper who had somehow gotten there. She tried to raise her gun but he smacked it from her hands and then toppled her to the roof. The pair jostled, but Sana was eventually pinned by the stronger trooper.
"By the Emperor, state your actions!" she demanded, trying to act authoritarian, possibly this was some inducted Trooper, but that wasn't right, they had none on this then who?
"PFC Sulden, 1st Recon Divison "Shadow Wolf", Vulpine 707th. You?" He asked, still pinning her
"S-sister Corporal Sana Verner" she stuttered as the mans gripped wayned slightly
"Heh...nice to meet you Sister, I've come to claim your tank" he said, rather straightly. Sana was taken back
" dare to take a vehicle of the Emperor!?" she question as she tried to shove him off, only ending up being tossed over to the ground by the Trooper
"Hey, i drive what i like!" he barked, jingling the keys that he "proclaimed" from Sana's pocket. The Sister quickly got up and attempted to get back atop the tank, only to find Sulden had gotten inside and closed the hatch. She banged on it a few times, causing Sulden to emerge from the second one.
"Geeze, hate losing your toys eh?" he mutter as the girl quickly scrambled for her Las Pistol and pointed at him.
"How dare traitor!" she barked, her hand shaking as she tried to squeeze the trigger. Sulden stood there for a moment, the sighed "I'd rethink your career if you cant even shoot me with that flashlight" he said as he lowered back down and closed the hatch. Sana dropped her arms, she had a chance to kill him and failed...why? She had grown soft, killing with only pushing a button and letting missiles do it made her soft. Now she would never get a chance to do it again, her tank was being stolen.

Sulden again emerged "Hey....mind getting off" he mutters as he turns the tank on. Sana looked at him, he didnt seem with any intent on killing her. He could have easily shot her head off, even stabbed her in the gut, but he didnt. Sana slowly slinkered off the tank "Now...act, knock yourself out with your gun"
"Eh?" Sana suddenly asked
"Look, if you are found standing there without your tank, your commander's gonna rip you a new, im not one for hurting pretty girls, so just knock yourself out with the grip of your gun."
Sana blinked, was he....trying to help her from a disciplinary case? She nodded slowly, picked up her gun and turned it around, holding the barrel. She looked at Sulden one last time...then slammed the guns grip into her head; she feel back hard, the gun scattering aside. It looked painful, but it worked.

Sana found herself on the ground, everything was slowly easing in and out...Sisters suddenly came rushing at the sound of the tank revving up. Bolters wailed, screams were raised, but in the end the tank eluded all fire upon it.
"Alert the Cannoness, tell her what happen!" came one voice
"Its Sister Sana, the thief must have knocked her out!" came another
"Quickly...bring her to the Infirmarium, she must be treated for that head wound."
"Sulden..." Sana muttered with a slight grin "i...keep that in mind."

Friday, September 11, 2009

The Life of a Minature - Part 1: From the Box

Ever get the feeling you were set here on this planet for a certain purpose, to fulfill a task that has you at the center of? Many people dont realize this, but we all are part of this grand scheme, then again, maybe some do. Everdun is no different, then again he was built for one reason, to fight.

Lt. Everdun sat on the edge of the table, watching his player construct his squad, he had been the first one done from the kit of 10, in heavy carapace armor of a Storm Trooper; his power sword in one hand, his make shift plasma pistol in another. He fixed his barrette cap, checking to see if his armor was in proper shape. After watching the rest of his team slowly cobble together, he stepped forward as his players hands move away.

"Welcome to the Celestian 2nd Recon Platoon, 1st Division" he said eying his men. Around them flash and spare parts littered among other miniatures, some Sisters of Battle, bugs, even a few Space Marines; all silent compared to them. As the 9 other miniatures stepped forward, they each gazed around, half confused, half mesmerized, but all the same they saluted their officer. Each one was either a specialized miniature or another storm Trooper simply taken from an old squad, their carapace was not suited for recon, but with a few touches, their armor was granted a "stealth" look while everyone else got camo cloaks.

"Now that your all organized, listen up, we have some work ahead of us, seems we are part of a Maverick Guard unit"
"Maverick?" one of the soldiers asked, a female, well endowed with a medical sack
"Yes...since we have Xeno allies" Everdun begins, reading the paper nearby "We are looked down upon by the Inquisition even though we fight for the emperor."
There was a few murmurs as Everdun cleared his throat "Now then, any questions?"
A few hands rose
"You will salute, say your name, and then the question" He barked as he looked at the medic, she hadnt done so, the medic sighed, picking the hint.
"Corporal Elisia sir...squad Medic"
"Thank you" Everdun replied as he chose another face, this time a wolfen xeno. He was crouched low, a modified sniper rifle in his hands. He wore a gillies suit with a full face mask, the only way to tell he was a xeno was by his ears and tail poking from the holes, both were a dark grey in color.
"Sergeant Silver, Sniper" the wolf says coolly "So...we have to fight both...good and bad armies?" his eyes glistened under his face mask
"I guess, so, our first battle, according to our player, is against Sisters"
"Yup, Sisters of Battle, Inquisition witch hunters."
"There be no witches here" Silver replies as he steps back

Everdun sighs as he selects another hand, another xeno approched, this time a red fox, she wore standard flak armor in the form of a skirt and a tank top, she had a camo cloaked that seemed more like a cape on her than a cloak. She carried a Space Marine scout Sniper and enough ammo along her belt to take down a whole platoon.
"Corporal Tanya, Sniper." She said
"What is your question?" Everdun asks
"Can we expect any hazard pay?" she said jokingly as a few chuckles emitted from the group, Everdun sighed as he watched Tanya blow a bubble from her muzzle, she was chewing gum too.
"There is no such thing as hazard pay Corporal, now lose the gum before you lose your rifle"
The sniper cursed under her breath, spitting the gum and walking back, if looks could kill, she probably could easily, and her sword on her back made it much clearer

Another figured stepped forward, a storm trooper, he seemed to be shaking slightly as he hefted the Vox caster on his back upwards, he salutes "C-Corporal Unil" he stutters "Vox Caster, sir, if i may, can we expect any help for our forces?"
Everdun shakes his head "We are recon elements, we get one Heavy Weapon, but that's it, maybe a tank if we are lucky, but that's it"
The man seemed to shake a bit "Y-yes sir" he said "i hope i can transfer out" he muttered to himself

A big man stepped forward soon after, from Q&A this became an Ice breaker, Everdun looked at the massive man, he wore storm trooper armor, but he was easily toting a Laser Cannon on his back "Err...Corporal Hugges Sir, you...uhh mentioned Heavy Weapon, yeah i think that's me" he says tapping the big gun
"I do hope you can use that" Everdun said
" not a good shot sir" he stutters tapping his fingers together
"uhh...whose your second then?"
"You know, every weapons team has two"
A small girl stepped forward "OH me me me!" she exclaims
Everdun turns to the child "What is a little girl doing here?" He questions
"HEY!" the girl barks back "Pvt Miko Sir! Im his second" she said as she stepped up to Hugges
Everdun shrugs "Very well, be careful then"

The sudden smell of a cigarette whiffed towards Everdun
"Whose smoking?" he demands as another fellow steps forward, he was a slender man, a bit pudgy, but still well built. He had a checker cap and wore a jacket over his carapace
"PFC Sulden Sir, my friends call me Taxi"
"Taxi?" Everdun asks as the man nods
"Any car, truck, tank that comes around, i can drive it"
The man nods "Can i demonstrate?"
Everdun shakes his head "errr...not now, lets wait till the fighting starts"
Taxis smirks as he steps back into line

The last two member's stepped forward, one was a tall, lanky man who wore his cloak fully over his body, the other was simple a solider type, fresh from enlistment. The lanky man fixes his cloak, reviling his Sniper rifle and various knives under it
"PFC Caiden...Sir" he said in a low voice "and this is Pvt Reed, hes a new enlistment" he says, moving like a shadow as he ushers towards Reed
"Sir! ready to follow orders SIR!" Reed exclaims, Everdun had a bad feeling about these two, but he shrugged

"Well seems we got everybody introduced and ready, good, then lets get going, we have a match to fight!"

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

May death part us...

I don't like funerals, i find them really depressing, but the funeral i went to yesterday was something i must admire. A family memeber, my uncle's brother, died some time ago to a rare tissue eating disorder, and for the life of me i cant recall or even spell the thing. I never met the man, i did meet his kids more often, but him i never knew very well.

That hour of remembrance from family and friends was mind blowing, this man had touched so many lives in his past, so many people knew and respected him, looked up to him. He was an important person in everyone life who was there (some more than others)

I guess the real moral was how far his legacy has went, everyone there, be it family, friend, to even the doctors who treated him, were in sorrow, someone who had done so much, and trust me he did A LOT, deserved all this attention.

That to me is the goal in life, to create a following, to make yourself known and when your time comes, to be missed by those you know.