Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Photoshop First Time

Well, i never thought id be able to do it, but i did. I made my first photoshop peice a few days ago and was quite impressed with the results. As you can see, there never were dragons with a P-51D in any photographs, but with a bit of time and some tweaking about, i came out with this.

The idea was to work on an old story idea i did many years ago. Germany had uncovered a clutch of 8 dragon eggs, and the Nazi Generals, seeing the end was near, decided to hatch them. This was conducted in secret, deep in the mountains of Northern Germany. Unfortunately, as the hatching occurred, the dragons grew violent and began to destroy everything.

Anyway, the end result is 8 dragons burning Berlin, 4 splitting to attack the Russians when they arrive, and 4 attacking the US/British forces. Eventually, the US is forced to retreat to the shores of Normandy and evacuate, being able to protect themselves with the solid power of their battleship guns (apparently, the huge shells are the only thing that can knock a dragon dead.)

I wont get into too much detail on the "real" part of the story, but this scene is meant to show a photo of the final days the Allies were able to hold their own against these mythical beasts.

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